Our Curriculum

At infant level a lot of emphasis is placed on oral language. The children will reflect on everyday experiences, they will create and tell stories, respond to stories, discuss possible solutions to problems, express opinions and feelings and use ‘show and tell time’ to discuss items of interest.

The children will be exploring several art materials and techniques throughout the year. We will be looking at drawing, painting, fabric and fibre, printing, collage, clay and construction art. We will also look at and respond to other artists work.

S.P.H.E. ( Social, Personal and Health Education)
We use song, story, circle time, rhymes and role play to teach this subject. We teach the children about turn taking, sharing, behaviour, healthy eating, personal hygiene, body parts and cultural awareness.

In the infant classroom the children are exposed to Irish through songs, games, rhymes and role play. We hope to promote a positive feeling and attitude for Irish from an early age, so supporting and encouraging any spoken ‘cúpla focail’ from your child at home would be beneficial.

History, Geography and Science all fall under the umbrella of SESE. These are all taught in a thematic way. We usually have a theme of the fortnight/month which allows us to investigate these subjects in a more natural way.
History is concerned with the child themselves, growth and change, the family and sequencing stories and rhymes. Sometimes the children will be asked to bring in photographs and/or artefacts.

We will be following the Dabbledoo programme for teaching Music in the school. This programme continues right up to Sixth Class. The children are involved in singing, listening and responding, playing instruments and ultimately become musicians and song writers themselves.

Again, it is not necessary for your child to know how to write numbers on coming to school. The Maths curriculum in the Junior Infant classroom is concerned with ordering, matching, comparing and classifying objects. Number is introduced informally as part of games and play at first.

Physical Education
Every child takes part in P.E. It is important for your child to wear appropriate footwear for these sessions. This includes yoga, relays, gymnastics, parachute games, football, GAA. Again, you can help.

The children take part in Role play every week as part of our Aistear sessions. These will be based on books / themes that are being explored. They will learn to hotseat a character, question a character, plan a scene and act it out, among other things.

Ethical Education
We follow the Learn Together programme. Role play, song, story and art activities are used. If you wish to find out more about this, follow the link https://www.educatetogether.ie/about/ethical-education/
Our Junior and Senior Infants Curriculum

At infant level a lot of emphasis is placed on oral language. The children will reflect on everyday experiences, they will create and tell stories, respond to stories, discuss possible solutions to problems, express opinions and feelings and use ‘show and tell time’ to discuss items of interest.

The children will be exploring several art materials and techniques throughout the year. We will be looking at drawing, painting, fabric and fibre, printing, collage, clay and construction art. We will also look at and respond to other artists work.

S.P.H.E. ( Social, Personal and Health Education)
We use song, story, circle time, rhymes and role play to teach this subject. We teach the children about turn taking, sharing, behaviour, healthy eating, personal hygiene, body parts and cultural awareness.

Ethical Education
We follow the Learn Together programme. Role play, song, story and art activities are used. If you wish to find out more about this, follow the link https://www.educatetogether.ie/about/ethical-education/

In the infant classroom the children are exposed to Irish through songs, games, rhymes and role play. We hope to promote a positive feeling and attitude for Irish from an early age, so supporting and encouraging any spoken ‘cúpla focail’ from your child at home would be beneficial.

History, Geography and Science all fall under the umbrella of SESE. These are all taught in a thematic way. We usually have a theme of the fortnight/month which allows us to investigate these subjects in a more natural way.
History is concerned with the child themselves, growth and change, the family and sequencing stories and rhymes. Sometimes the children will be asked to bring in photographs and/or artefacts.

We will be following the Dabbledoo programme for teaching Music in the school. This programme continues right up to Sixth Class. The children are involved in singing, listening and responding, playing instruments and ultimately become musicians and song writers themselves.

Further Information
Further information in relation to the full curriculum followed by our school can be viewed at

Again, it is not necessary for your child to know how to write numbers on coming to school. The Maths curriculum in the Junior Infant classroom is concerned with ordering, matching, comparing and classifying objects. Number is introduced informally as part of games and play at first.

Physical Education
Every child takes part in P.E. It is important for your child to wear appropriate footwear for these sessions. This includes yoga, relays, gymnastics, parachute games, football, GAA. Again, you can help.

The children take part in Role play every week as part of our Aistear sessions. These will be based on books / themes that are being explored. They will learn to hotseat a character, question a character, plan a scene and act it out, among other things.